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Saturday 23 April 2011

RATHBONE Youth Centre:

I've never thought of myself as much of a mentor...especially since I'm prone to somewhat erratic behaviour lol! I've always hoped to inspire people through my music, but it wasn't until my girl Anna, a designer and youth worker at Rathbone in Hackney planted the seed that I really considered the potential Ashleigh Ashley had to reach out to some of London's most interesting kids!

Anna invited me down to the youth center to give a 'talk' to some of her clients! Not one to mess about Anna chucked me right in the deep end lol...and I found myself sat in a room of about ten 16-19 year olds (under her watchful eye)...nervous as hell! The mistrust, and general apathy amongst the group was written on their faces..'who the hell is this chick?...and what is she going to try and preach to us today??' I did my best to entertain/inform them about the ups and downs of my journey so far and answered as many questions as I could about music/making videos and networking...but deep down I felt I was missing the point?! Having left home at 17 I had more in common with these kids then I first thought...and in hindsight I would have made the most of that fact!

The most poignant part of the session for me was when I asked them: "What do you want to do with your life...?" Now, I wasn't expecting an in-depth description...who KNOWS for sure what they want to be at 17? I was expecting however, to see some kind of animation in their eyes...hear something of dreams and hopes...ANYTHING! But my question was met by most of the group with silence and averted eyes!! In fact one kid even crossed the room and stuck his head out of the window to chat to a 'mate' outside lool! They're young, beautiful souls...with everything to live what are they so afraid of?? What will it take to help these amazing youngsters realize their potential?

In the age where the so-called Y-generation are defined by Facebook, knife crime and bad grammer it's no wonder youths have lost faith in themselves! Not to say that anyone has an excuse to be a criminal, 'rude-boi' or general meanie...but if the media and indeed most adults continue to paint todays youth with that 'hopeless' brush it's inevitable that they'll grow up in those colours right!?!

I can't wait til my next session with these guys! I want to find out more about them...I want to know what makes them TICK. And most of all I hope to get them involved in a new upcoming Ashleigh Ashley project...RULE THE WORLD! Watch this space!!...


Shout out to all the girls and guys in my session...I believe in you...and next time we meet I hope you'll let me in and we can get this ball rolling!

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